Flash News! Pedro Ferraz de Abreu and Rui Melo Ponte, President and Vice-President of CITIDEP, together again, having fun pretending (trying) to impersonate the Canadian Neil Young, many years after last time they played together (and many beers after, too).

subtitles poor Pedro is not used anymore to acoustic guitar and confessed to be spoiled by many years of only playing with nylon strings - "classic" guitar. He kept saying "this &*%$$# metal strings cut my fingers !", while Rui just enjoyed is dear electric guitar...

After an intense day working, at MIT and at Earth & Atmosfere Research (AER), making the most of other CITIDEPian founders visiting - Yu and Mark Hasegawa-Jonhson - Pedro and Rui re-invented the (in)famous Guitar-Parties that raged Cambridge and Boston 20 years ago. This time, "chez Rui & Ana". Food (tasty) choice by Anita. If you missed this one - like Christina "Kiko" and Marie did, what a shame ! - be sure not to miss the next one.